Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Calm Before the Storm

If you haven’t noticed lately, current events are very much lining up with scripture. On top of earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, etc., our world is on the brink of an economic disaster that is going to make the Great Depression of the 1930’s look like a picnic. Take a look at what is happening in Greece: lawlessness, murder, terror. Folks, we’re not far from that taking place here in the US. In fact, American citizens who live near the US border of Mexico are being robbed, mutilated, murdered and kidnapped right out of their own homes by people who are supposedly just looking for a better way of life in America. Fear of identity theft is leading down the road to a personal ID system that will place a microchip in the hand or forehead of individuals that they will not be able to conduct every day business transactions (bank, grocery store, health care, etc.) without.

Believe me the last thing I want to talk about is judgment and Hell. It is not a popular subject. But the Lord has placed this message on my heart and will not give me peace until I share it. If you are getting this message just know that God loves you more than you could ever know. I have been studying prophecy and the book of Revelation and that is what it does is “reveal”, that’s why most people avoid it, because it’s too frightening. However, this is not a good time to ignore it.

It has come to my attention that most people are just blissfully ignorant of scripture and that my friend is because Satan has all of us very much deceived, as we have been warned. You are just hoping that since God loves you the way you are, that He expects you to stay that way and will overlook our sin. You say that a loving God would not send nice people to Hell just because they are ignorant of scripture. But here is the perfect justice of God. We all deserve Hell because of sin. Sin is anything that comes between us and a loving relationship with God our creator. And sin takes place in the heart before it ever takes on physical action. But God loves us so much that He made a way, One Way; he sent His one and only son to take our place in judgment. No one else has done that, not Mohammed, not Buddha, not the Dahli Lama, not Confuscious. And when we know that, we come to repentance because we are grateful for what He has done for us. It is something that we cannot accomplish on our own.

And you may not believe in the resurrection, but remember that the apostles and several hundred others were eye witnesses who died gruesome deaths on their testimonies. How many people do you know that are willing to do that for something they know not to be true?

And no matter how much we avoid scripture and pretend that it is not true, that will not keep judgment from happening. And if we think our good works and deeds will save us, think again for they are but “filthy rags”. It is the by the amazing grace of God that we are saved from judgment. That’s why it is called “Good News”. Here is the thing, God absolutely cannot look upon sin, that is why we need to be made clean to stand before Him, not naked, but covered with the righteousness of Christ.

You may think that I don’t know what I am talking about, but there absolutely cannot be more than one truth. 2+2 does not equal 3, nor 5, nor 10. Would you risk an eternity in Hell to stay ignorant and hold on to sin? Please take heed and read the scriptures for yourself and ask God Himself to show you the truth. Ask, seek, knock. There you will find love and hope and forgiveness. Use the information that is available to you. If you don’t have a bible, you can put any verse reference online and find it in more than one translation.

Revelation 13:16, 17

Matthew 24:7

2 Timothy 3:1, 13

Matthew 5:22

John 8:4-12

Exodus 20- Ten Commandments

Isaiah 64:6

Ephesians 2:8

Matthew 7:7

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